Problematika Pengembangan Kurikulum Dan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) (Studi kasus di MA Huffadh Al-Itqoniyyah Bobotsari Kabupaten Purbalingga)

  • Muhammad Nur Rizal1 Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
  • Budi wijaya
Keywords: Keywords: Problems, Curriculum Development, PAI Learning


Abstract: This research aims to describe the problems and strategies for

developing PAI curriculum and learning at MA Huffadh Al-Itqoniyyah

Bobotsari, Purbalingga Regency. The main questions to be answered

through this research are: First, what are the problems of curriculum

development and PAI learning at MA Huffadh Al-Itqoniyyah Bobotsari,

Purbalingga Regency. Second, what are the problems and strategies in

overcoming the problems of curriculum development and PAI learning at

MA Huffadh Al-Itqoniyyah Bobotsari, Purbalingga Regency.This

research uses qualitative research with data collection techniques using

observation methods, interview methods. The research subject was the head

of the MA Huffadh Al-Itqoniyyah Bobotsari madarasah, Purbalingga

Regency.The results of this research are first, the problem of curriculum

development and PAI learning, namely the lack of educator participation

in curriculum development and PAI learning is focused on the classroom;

policies from national education, Islamic boarding schools and Ma'arif

educational institutions which sometimes hinder the development of

curriculum in madarasahs; addition of subjects that cause material to

overlap; lack of synergy between madarasas and families; lack of

empowerment of learning resources and evaluation which still focuses on

cognitive aspects. Second, the strategy for overcoming the problems of PAI

curriculum development and learning is to improve the quality of educators

by involving them in curriculum development and training that increases

educator competency; reviewing and integrating policies from national

education, Islamic boarding schools and Ma'arif educational institutions to

become madarasah policies and madarasah programs; home visits for

students who have problems at madarasah as well as communication with

student guardians.
