Machine Translation Based on Neural Network: Challenge or Chance?

  • Xu Minyun Hunan Normal University
Keywords: Neural network, deep learning, machine translation, human translation


With the acceleration of economic globalization, there is a growing demand for translation services. In recent years, the quality of machine translation has been significantly improved. Compared with human translation, machine translation has the advantages of low cost and high speed. However, there is still little discussion on this scholarship, as this neural machine translation brings both convenience and pressure to translators. To address this issue, this paper will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of neural machine translation and discuss whether neural machine translation is a chance or a challenge for human translators.


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How to Cite
Minyun, X. (2023). Machine Translation Based on Neural Network: Challenge or Chance?. Educalitra: English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal, 2(2), 41-51.