Tasybih Dan Majaz Dalam Maulid Simthud Durar Karya Al-Habib Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Husein Al-Habsyi Dan Penerapannya Dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Bayan

  • Enjang Burhanudin Yusuf UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Umi Nafkhatul Atiqoh UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
Keywords: Tasybih, Maulid Simthud Durar, Majaz, Bayan Science Learning


Maulid Simthud Durar is a birthday book by Al-Habib 'Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Husein Al-Habsyi which contains prayers, praise for the prophet Muhammad saw. as well as verses from the Koran written in beautiful language which are related to the study of Bayan Science. Bayan science is the science of how to provide explanations both through tasybih (similarity), majaz (figurative language) and through kinayah (an expression that means polysemy). What the author discusses in this research are the Tasybih and Majaz contained in the Maulid Simthud Durar by Al-Habib 'Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Husein Al-Habsyi. Tasybih is a comparison between two or more things that have the same characteristics (one or more) with a tool, because there is a purpose desired by the speaker. Meanwhile, Majaz is a word that is used not in its original meaning because of relationships (alaqah) and reasons that prevent it from being understood with its original meaning or dictionary meaning. This research is a type of library research, where the Mulid Simthud Durar Book is used as a primary source, as well as other sources as secondary data sources to support this research. Data collection uses the documentation method, where the researcher looks for notes, books, or other data that are related to the Tasybih and Majaz contained in the Maulid Simthud Durar by Al-Habib 'Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Husein Al-Habsyi. In the data analysis method the author uses the content analysis method. The learning applications that can be used in learning Parrot Science are the direct method, translation method and singing method. Apart from these three methods, the development of other methods can also be used in learning Parrot Science.

How to Cite
Burhanudin Yusuf, E., & Nafkhatul Atiqoh, U. (2024). Tasybih Dan Majaz Dalam Maulid Simthud Durar Karya Al-Habib Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Husein Al-Habsyi Dan Penerapannya Dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Bayan. Al-Mazaya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2(1), 14-40. Retrieved from https://jurnal.unupurwokerto.ac.id/index.php/almazaya/article/view/265