Pemanfaatan Daun Sirsak sebagai Larutan Nutrisi Tanaman menuju Pertanian Organik Berkelanjutan
Soursop leaf is a plant with a tree height of about 8 meters. Brown woody stems, round, branched. It has egg-shaped or lanceolate leaves, pointed tip, flat edge, tapered base, pinnate stalk, 5 mm long stalk, yellowish green. Flowers are located on stems or twigs, small petals, whitish yellow, hairy stamens. The fruit is not a true fruit, which is called "fruit" is actually a collection of fruits (aggregate fruit) with a single seed that coincides with each other and loses the boundaries between the fruits. Liquid organic fertilizer is a fertilizer that is available in liquid form, Liquid Organic Fertilizer can be interpreted as a fertilizer that is made naturally through a fermentation process to produce a solution of decay from plant residues, as well as animal or human waste. For some people, liquid organic fertilizer is better to use because it avoids chemicals/ synthetics and has a good impact on health. Liquid organic fertilizers consist of microorganisms that play an important role in helping plant growth.
Keywords: Soursop Leaves, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Sustainable Agriculture
Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Agriculture And Biosystem Engineering In Tropic
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