slot dana FUSIOMA (Fundamental Scientifc Journal of Mathematics) 2024-09-20T08:29:31+00:00 Dian Pratama Open Journal Systems <p><strong>FUSIOMA (Fundamental Scientific Journal of Mathematics) </strong>adalah jurnal akses terbuka <em>peer-revieweed</em> yang telah ditetapkan untuk penyebaran pengetahuan mutakhir di bidang keilmuan dan pendidikan matematika. Semua manuskrip yang dikirimkan pada awalnya akan ditinjau oleh editor dan kemudian dievaluasi oleh minimal dua pengulas melalui proses <em>double blind review</em>. Hal ini untuk menjamin kualitas naskah yang dimuat di jurnal. Fusioma (Fundamental Scientific Journal of Mathematics) terbit pertama kali pada bulan Oktober 2020, dengan agenda dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Maret dan Oktober. Jurnal ini telah tersedia dalam 2 versi yaitu online dan cetak sejak terbitan pertama (p-ISSN: 2774-4272, e-ISSN: 2774-2458). Semua proses penerbitan mulai dari registrasi sampai publikasi dilakukan secara online.</p> OPTIMASI PRODUKSI KERIPIK PANGSIT MENGGUNAKAN LOGIKA FUZZY METODE MAMDANI 2021-01-05T06:50:51+00:00 Bagus Muflikhudin Isnaeni <p><em>Optimal profit can be obtained from maximum sales by using minimal costs. Besides being able to meet existing demands, the use of costs is also a major factor in determining optimal results. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the number of products in a company in order to meet market demand. Factors that need to be considered are demand and supply of goods. The inventory factor of a production item is difficult to monitor when using manual calculations. For that we need a method to predict the availability of manufactured goods effectively. The method used is the calculation of fuzzy logic. This study uses the Mamdani fuzzy logic technique method. The result of this research is a calculation of the production of kripang (dumpling chips) based on calculations based on Mamdani fuzzy logic. The calculation that is built can help the company determine the amount of production in accordance with consumer demand so that the demand for kripang in Sidabowa Village is fulfilled and the amount produced by the producer is more optimal.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords : F<em>uzzy Logic, </em><em>Mamdani, </em><em>Optimization</em></strong></p> 2020-09-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Bagus Muflikhudin TEKNIK PEWARNAAN GRAF PADA PENJADWALAN PIKET OSIS DENGAN ALGORITMA WELCH-POWELL PADA SMP NEGERI 2 KEMRANJEN 2021-01-05T07:07:47+00:00 Bagus Muflikhudin Dian Pratama <p>Teori graf digunakan untuk mempresentasikan objek-objek diskrit dan hubungan antar objek tersebut. Representasi visual dari sebuah graf adalah dengan menyatakan objek dengan sebuah titik, sedangkan hubungan antar objek dinyatakan dengan garis. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari penggunaan teori graf salah satunya menentukan penjadwalan menggunkaan pewarnaan graf. Pewarnaan yang dimaskud adalah pewarnaan simpul. Hal tersebut dipadukan dengan Algoritma <em>Welch-Powell</em>. Algoritma <em>Welch-Powell </em>dapat digunakan untuk menentukan sebuah penjadwalan berdasarkan derajat tertinggi dari simpul-simpulnya. Keunggulan algoritma tersebut dapat menyelesaikan secara efisien, tidak terjadi kesamaan jadwal antar siswa pada satu kelas yang sama. Cara penentuannya dengan melihat jumlah derajat dari sebuah simpul yang terbesar sebagai pewarnaan pertama.</p> 2020-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Bagus Muflikhudin, Dian Pratama PENENTUAN JALUR PENGIRIMAN PESANAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE TRAVELLING SALESMAN PROBLEM (TSP) DENGAN ALGORITMA HEURISTIK DI KPRI SEHAT RS MARGONO SOEKARJO PURWOKERTO 2021-01-05T07:00:40+00:00 Indah Setyorini <p><em>In everyday life, there are many problems that can be solved and brought into the form of a diagram consisting of points and lines, for example looking for a salesman route (Traveling salesman problem (TSP)). This problem is classified as having very many possible answers. The Heuristic Algorithm is an algorithm that produces the best solution to problems that are part or intersect with a more complex problem where delivery of orders from producers to consumers is maximized. This algorithm looks for the minimum spanning tree of all vertices. Then, forming a circuit that has been passed more than once, so that it is expected to provide optimal solutions in solving the problem of order delivery. With this method, we can find the fastest distance to deliver orders to consumers. This not only makes it easier to find the best route that can speed up delivery of orders to consumers, but also can keep food good because it reaches consumers faster at Rs Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto.</em></p> 2020-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Indah Setyorini ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN PERSAMAAN KUADRAT MATEMATIKA SEBAGAI KUNCI PADA MONOALPHABETIC CIPHER 2024-09-20T08:29:31+00:00 Ikhsani Annisa K Billy Arifa Tengger <p><em>Monoalphabetic cipher is an encryption substitution method that maps each alphabet to another alphabet randomly. This method is different from the Caesar cipher, which only shifts the alphabet. In addition, in monoalphabetic ciphers, substitution tables are used to store keys, where these keys are useful for mapping alphabets from plaintext to ciphertext. However, in reality the use of substitution tables still has difficulties. Based on this, an idea emerged to analyze whether the substitution table could be replaced by a mathematical equation to be used as a key to the monoalphabetic cipher. And in this case, the mathematical equation used is a quadratic equation.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2020-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Ikhsani Annisa K ALGORITMA KRUSKAL MENENTUKAN LINTASAN TERPENDEK EFEKTIF CALL SALESMAN 2021-01-05T07:47:07+00:00 Priyono Priyono <p><span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="0">The management of distribution visits is a crucial problem experienced by goods product companies (distributors).</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="1">There needs to be an optimal pattern to determine the shortest route in the goods distribution process.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="2">The data obtained are in the form of shop names, distances, and travel routes at PT BSP.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="3">The data obtained are then represented in the form of an image and look for the minimum spanning tree of the distribution line.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="4">From the calculation of the distance salesmen usually cover a distance of 16,660 m, while using the Kruskal algorithm it is obtained 14,110 m.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="5">So there is a savings in the distance obtained along the 2560 m.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="auto" data-phrase-index="6">This study shows that using the Kruskal algorithm is more optimal because the steps taken are more precisely applied in the salesmen's journey problem.</span></span></p> 2020-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Priyono Priyono APLIKASI MODEL PERSAMAAN SIMULTAN DATA PANEL DINAMIS UNTUK PEMODELAN PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DAN INDEKS PEMBANGUNAN MANUSIA DI JAWA TENGAH 2021-05-19T03:53:19+00:00 Muhammad Rasyid Arba Supriyanto Nunung Nurhayati <p><em>This research discussed the application of dynamic panel data simultaneous equation in indetifying factors that influence the economic growth and the human development index in Central Java from 2010 to 2018 using the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) Arellano-Bond. </em></p> <p><em>The results of this research are in the form of the GRDP equation model and the HDI equation model. In the GRDP equation model, the variables that have significant influential are HDI and local government expenditures while in the HDI equation model, the variables that have significant influential are GRDP and length of schooling.</em></p> 2021-05-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Muhammad Rasyid Arba, Supriyanto, Nunung Nurhayati