• Bagus Muflikhudin Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
  • Isnaeni Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Mamdani, Optimization


Optimal profit can be obtained from maximum sales by using minimal costs. Besides being able to meet existing demands, the use of costs is also a major factor in determining optimal results. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the number of products in a company in order to meet market demand. Factors that need to be considered are demand and supply of goods. The inventory factor of a production item is difficult to monitor when using manual calculations. For that we need a method to predict the availability of manufactured goods effectively. The method used is the calculation of fuzzy logic. This study uses the Mamdani fuzzy logic technique method. The result of this research is a calculation of the production of kripang (dumpling chips) based on calculations based on Mamdani fuzzy logic. The calculation that is built can help the company determine the amount of production in accordance with consumer demand so that the demand for kripang in Sidabowa Village is fulfilled and the amount produced by the producer is more optimal.


Keywords : Fuzzy Logic, Mamdani, Optimization


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How to Cite
Muflikhudin, B., & Isnaeni. (2020). OPTIMASI PRODUKSI KERIPIK PANGSIT MENGGUNAKAN LOGIKA FUZZY METODE MAMDANI. FUSIOMA (Fundamental Scientifc Journal of Mathematics), 1(1), 1-7. Retrieved from https://jurnal.unupurwokerto.ac.id/index.php/fusioma/article/view/1-bagus