Pembiasaan Pembelajaran Akhlakul Karimah Berbasis Pesantren Sejak Usia Dini
Islamic boarding schools have an important role in shaping akhlakul karimah or noble behavior in the younger generation. However, most pesantren usually focus on secondary and advanced education, while the formation of good morals from an early age is also very important. So there is a habit of learning akhlakul karimah on the basis of Islamic boarding schools for early childhood at the age of 3 to 6 years at Madin Rodlotul Ilmi Punggelan, Banjarnegara. From here, the purpose of this study is to explain how the habituation of learning akhlakul karimah with the basis of Islamic boarding schools since early childhood in Madin Raudhatul Ilmi Wanasari RT 02 RW 04 Sidarata Village, Punggelan District, Banjarnegara. This research was conducted with a description-observation study by collecting data in the field which is called descriptive qualitative by taking data sources from active observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the habituation of learning akhlakuk karimah on the basis of Islamic boarding schools for children aged 3 to 6 years consists of four things, namely: (1) the habit of learning to read and write verses of the Al-Qur'an; (2) the habit of learning manners; (3) the habit of memorizing short prayers; (4) the habit of learning worship. These four things are implemented for Madin Raudlatul Ilmi Punggelan students on a pesantren basis. This habit has a positive impact, especially in increasing spiritual awareness from an early age. This is because the teachers provide a variety of experiences and knowledge, especially religion in a fun way, so that every development of the students has success in mastering this pesantren-based learning