Bagaimana Program Mudarosah Keliling Dapat Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pedagogi Para Asatidz?

  • Ramdhan Yurianto Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
  • Dewi Sholeha Maisaroh Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
  • Muhlisin Muhlisin Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
Keywords: Mudarosah, asatidz, pedagogi


This study aims to determine the efforts of the head of asatidz in improving the cognitive abilities of asatidz with a traveling mudarosah program using the book adabul alim wal muta'allim on indicators 1) Mastery of material, insight and teaching materials according to their duties. 2 Mastery of learning strategies, methods, and techniques. 3) Mastery of educational knowledge and insight. 4) Understand the ethics of an asatidz. This qualitative research with a descriptive approach was conducted at Madrasah Diniyah Tarbiyatul Qur'an Haura Insiyyah, Siremeng Village, Pulosari, Pemalang, Indonesia. The subject of this study was the head of asatidz. While the object of this study is the efforts of the head of asatidz in improving the cognitive abilities of asatidz, the source of research data is obtained from interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. While the data validity technique uses triangulation techniques. Based on the results of research efforts made by the head of asatidz in improving the cognitive abilities of asatidz based on the program mudarosah roving asatidz using the book adabul alim wal muta'allim in accordance with existing indicators, namely: the head of asatidz encourages the asatidz to prepare daily material to be taught, the head of asatidz provides the opportunity for asatidz to determine for themselves the teaching method to be used,  The head of the asatidz encouraged the asatidz to express his feelings and ideas, the head of the asatidz gave the responsibility to the asatidz for discipline. The asatidz experienced improved cognitive abilities. The asatidz can keep a journal teaching asatidz. Asatids are able to understand ethics towards themselves, ethics in teaching, ethics to students, and ethics towards books as a source of learning. Although the asatidz experience an increase in cognitive abilities, it must still require further guidance from the head of the asatidz. The head of asatidz is also an important factor in improving the cognitive abilities of asatidz
