• Chika Jeslin Vanes Sabrina Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
  • Nur Hafidz Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto
Keywords: Education Concept, Children, Al-Qur'an


Children's education is an important aspect of human life. The basic concept of children's education in the perspective of the Koran has several aspects that must be considered, including morals and ethics, intelligence, skills, and spirituality. Al-Quran as the main source of Islamic teachings provides guidelines and values related to children's education. The purpose of this research is to know that children should be taught about spiritual values such as faith, piety, and sincerity. The Al-Quran also emphasizes the importance of education from an early age. Children must be educated in a gentle, affectionate, and slow manner. Children must be taught about right and wrong, and given a good example by parents and the environment. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and is included in the type of library research and the technique used is content analysis technique. Researchers use the angle of interpretation in the Qur'an as a data source in researching the concept of early childhood education. The results of this study are in the form of children's education through: (1) At-Tarbiyah by cultivating potential in children, (2) Al-Ta'lim by transferring knowledge to children, (3) Tadris by reflecting knowledge and experience on children, (4) Ta 'dib teaches adab to children, (5) Takziyah by improving personality even better. From here, the basic concept of children's education in the perspective of the Koran has several important aspects that must be considered. Morals and ethics, intelligence, skills, and spirituality are the main focus in children's education. Parents and the surrounding environment have an important role in providing good and right education to children.
